Jnoun Competition

Shortlisted Artists of Jnoun Competition

07 Feb 2022

Artist Competition

Because we’re living in an absolute state of madness, Jnoun*, we’ve launched our Jnoun competition in December to unleash MADness into this wild world.

Submissions received expressed grief, passion, anger, sadness, or simply reflections but most importantly this competition is an expression of hope and a source of creative collaborations between artists of different influences. 

Congratulations to the 6 shortlisted artists and here is an overview of their artworks.

  • Katy & Beatrice : Beatrice is a portrait, fashion and lifestyle photographer and actress. Kathy is an actress, acting coach, costume designer and certified stylist. Together, they have created “costume in motion”, a visual interpretation of a costume design based on their collaboration. This photo portrays an episode of madness and chaos. Thoughts and interpretations can drastically consume one’s well being leaving them with a surreal sense of hopelessness, unable to see past their limits, so they find themselves hitting rock bottom.
  • Offgrid – Lebnéné  : MAD Artist Lama El Khayat’s creation LEBNENE, is a fictional hero having extraordinary or superhuman powers and qualities that enables him/her to overcome forced obstacles. Lebnene features two tubular copper metals hitched together to visualize a powerful and resilient human being equipped with a rock-hard cape. Lebnene is a hard-core being with a metallic finish that reflects his refined and cultured character. The potent poise renders courage and tenacity. His cape is fragmented due to the constant fights and calamities, attached and cemented. The in-depth breakages were repaired with powdered copper into an even stronger shield. Lebnene conveys absolute resiliency,  faithful hope and attained survival. This sculpture can be enjoyed as an artistic statement and/or as a conceptual book holder.
  • Michele Braidy : MAD Artist Michele Braidy used the recycled glass from the Beirut blast to create a ceramic structure including a vase from the recycled glass and a lamp, because light and flowers are symbols of hope. The creation also includes a pin tray, to drop or take your keys, because we have to choose to leave, or stay, in Lebanon.
  • Christiane Dagher is a MAD artist who loves using the history of her country Lebanon, as an inspiration for her designs. She created a backgammon inspired by the Lebanese protagonists who battle the sultan’s army, from the Bashir emir, the queen Shams, to the Chanay bishop.
  • Hiba Jouni  : 20 year old Hiba Jouni is a graphic designer and musician, testing multiple forms of art, especially music, drawing and photography. Hiba’s poster expresses the absolute state of MADness we’re living in, the anger and madness we have inside while adding a touch of hope and “newness” through her peri color, the color of 2022.
  • Ali Al Hillani, 21 years old, lives in Beirut. In addition to his studies, he always found himself going deep into his thoughts about everything and his only way to describe it was through drawing. This is the first time he actually showcases his art and drawings 

Who’s your favorite ?

Don’t forget to show them your love by voting for them till Feb 20th on this competition page.



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