
Meet Vincent, our MAD Business Developper

13 Jul 2017

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#MeetTheTeam. Vincent is our Paris Business Developer.

Freshly graduated with a Master of Management specialized in the creative industries, Vincent is completely addicted to video games with more than 300 finished games! At this rate, who knows, Vincent might soon be featured in the Guinness World Records 🙂

But he doesn’t spend his days behind his laptop playing videos games. He’s also passionate about books, introspection, and art. He’s a slightly crazy dreamer (his quote) with a multidisciplinary profile; he’s usually developing partnerships with brands and media partners but you can also find him setting up our office or helping out with the setup and installation of our last #MADSession in Paris. Sounds kind of obvious when you’re a MADgang member, haha! He’s MADly ambitious and always fights for what he wants in life. He managed 27 people for over a year when he was heading the financial society of his business school and he has always admired creative people and self-made men-women such as Kevin Levine, Walt Disney, Margrethe Vestager or Elon Musk. Vincent is a Carpe diem person who loves to wake up every morning listening to good sounds of Rose Tatoo of

He’s MADly ambitious and always fights for what he wants in life. He managed 27 people for over a year when he was heading the financial society of his business school and he has always admired creative people and self-made men-women such as Kevine Levine, Walt Disney, Margrethe Vestager or Elon Musk.

Vincent is a Carpe diem person who loves to wake up every morning listening to good sounds of Rose Tatoo of Drophick Murphys and Soffio Caldo of Zucchero. His secret health tip for a shining morning is grabbing a Kiwi. Lucky him; his favorite fruit grows in France 7 months a year. Oh…and he doesn’t know how to whistle but ….MADers, please don’t tell 🙂 Another important thing to know about Vincent, he’d love to learn more about coding, and that would obviously be quite useful when you want to develop your own application or platform. But Vincent never gives up.

His motto is “Fight for a better future with confidence, live your life, live it freely. It is not the years in your life that count; it is the life in your years”.

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