
Getting MAD in Beirut this summer!

24 Jun 2019

MAD MAD Talent Mood of the day

Summer In Lebanon
Summer has knocked on Lebanese doors way sooner than intended this year, with high temperatures kicking in since mid April. For some people, this news does not mean anything. For others, it means something great: More. Summer. Events.

Lebanon is known for its highly acclaimed nightlife, which is not only centered in the capital Beirut but is highly eminent all throughout different areas as well; from beach parties in the south to rooftop sessions in the north, the Lebanese do not hold back when it comes to mixing talent and fun.

What About MAD?
With our growing repertoire of artists in Music, Arts and Design, we have decided to jump on the party wagon and make the best of the Lebanese summer in our MAD way.

If you’re already a part of the MAD community, get ready; if you’re not, sign up! You don’t want to miss this!

MAD Sessions: What Are They?
Growing on the name, MAD, the sessions will host artists from different categories for one night full of music, art, design and most importantly, fun. These independent events will be hosted in different locations with a new set of artists each time.

And What To Expect?
Sessions will hopefully be held at least once every couple of months, with the first kicking off sooner than you’d think! Care to take a guess as to when we’re hosting our FIRST MAD Session?

As a community, our biggest aims are to support artists through their journeys as well as create a unison of support between all artists. In brief, we not only want to bring these artists together for the people, we want them to grow together.

The concept of mixing different types of art in one event puts the focus on not only one type of art, but many, therefore allowing attendees to explore new artists during each event.

Missed one? There will always be another.

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