
Get To Know The MAD Gang: Lalik

30 Jan 2019

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Someone who enjoys the little things in life like watching the sunset or collecting notebooks with lovely design covers. Lalik has a little thing for flowers, pottery and food.

If I were a song, I would be: Couleur Menthe à l’eau – Isaac Delusion

If I were an artist, I would be: Egon Schiele

If I were a book, I would be: L’insoutenable légèreté de l’être – Kundera

If I were a dish, I would be: Strogonoff !

If I were a dessert, I would be: Tiramissu ! Best thing in life

If I were a spice, I would be: Coriander

If I were a sport, I would be: Surfing in Hawaii

If I were a period in history, I would be: the 60’s, dancing in the woodstock festival with Janis Joplin in the background

If I were a movie, I would be: ChungKing Express – KarWai Wong

If I were a series, I would be: Oz

If I were a verb, I would be: Live

If I were an adjective, I would be: Chill

If I were one of the five senses, I would be: the vision

If I were a flower or a plant, I would be: a tulip because its my name in Armenian

If I were one of the five elements, I would be: fire

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