Le Sceau de L’ Histoire

Une Balade Historique à l’ Horizon des Sciècles … Révélant L’Amour … La Peine … La Subsistance … La Passion de L’Existence . Un Arrêt au bout d’un Sciècle Riche … & … Rare, Le Syriaque, & son Héritage Culturel Risquant de Disparaître. …Hommage à Nos Ancêtres .
Signer … Fey.

Artiste multidisciplinaire basé en France, je m’inspire du pop art, de la bande dessinée, du cinéma et de la musique rock. Je privilégie les matériaux recyclés comme les canettes de soda ou de bière que je découpe à la cisaille. Mes œuvres explorent la couleur, le mouvement, la féminité. Les compositions sont le plus souvent […]

Bonjour Nous sommes Ludovica et Malaïka un duo de directrices artistiques, respectivement styliste et photographe. Nous nous sommes rencontrées dans les studios photos des Galeries Lafayette il y’a 2 ans et depuis notre créativité ne s’arrête plus ! Nous évoluons dans l’imagerie de mode et de la musique. Puisant nos inspirations dans la danse, le […]
liam is 9

Liam will be featuring each year his favorite doodles and evolving his style, his drawings and his products as he grows older, giving him the freedom to draw and create relatable items for him and other kids of his age in an attempt to nurture his passion. Today Liam is 9 and this is the […]
Katy x Beatrice

Beatrice is a portrait, fashion and lifestyle photographer and actress working regularly in Beirut , Lebanon. Initially she attended LU- Lebanese University Faculty of fine arts to get her BA degree in Theater, this is where she found her passion for photography. Finding beauty in everything has been the driving force throughout her entire working […]
Katy x Beatrice

Beatrice is a portrait, fashion and lifestyle photographer and actress working regularly in Beirut , Lebanon. Initially she attended LU- Lebanese University Faculty of fine arts to get her BA degree in Theater, this is where she found her passion for photography. Finding beauty in everything has been the driving force throughout her entire working […]
Negoro-nuri Kendama

A traditional Japanese toy that explores another dimension of play, the more the player uses it. Notorious for being challenging, the purpose is to impale the ball of the toy on the peg, or catch it in one of the 3 cups at the ends of the handle, but that’s easier said than done. Every mistake and every slip contributes to the beauty of the object which doubles as a coffee table centerpiece, inviting more people to play.

Telling stories through art and culture

Mon projet est un “solo exhibition” dont le thème est le figuier de barbarie en arabe c’est
Jimmy El Homsy

Greatly influenced by Van Gogh and William Etty while working on establishing my own artistic roots. Technical styles like chiaroscuro and impasto fascinate me, which is greatly visible in my art applied mainly with oil on canvas. Continuously developing a unique style is my primary goal to be distinguished in the contemporary art scene, by […]