
Reviathan un univers pour ados

Reviathan est un ensemble de 7 romans fantasy pour des 10-16 ans pour les aider à découvrir leurs valeurs et forces, ainsi que leur potentiel personnel.

Bedkon Beit TV Show

Bedkon Beit is the first real estate entertainment TV show where you get what you see. Our dynamic duo of hosts, Fay & Dany, will stop at nothing to find you the best real estate deals all over Lebanon!

MAD Artists Meetups

Our monthly Artists Meet Ups in Paris and Beirut allow us to create new experiences and collaborations with our artists. Open to new artists and existing MAD Talents, this is where we discuss all our upcoming projects with our community of artists.


An Ice speaking door of 4 meters is facing you.
It holds the key to your enigmas, melts in water and words.
ORAKL is a spokesperson and answers to your questions.
Inspiration time: from sunset to sunrise.


Une porte de glace de quatre mètres de haut te fait face.
C’est là qu’elle fond en eau et en paroles.
ORAKL est Porte-Parole et répond à tes questions.
Temps d’inspiration : de la fin du jour au petit matin.

Ouzville is the Change – Be Part of it

Ouzville was born out of the need to beautify Ouzai and unify the Lebanese people through art, and a collaborative experience.

The aim of this project was to give back soul and life to long neglected places such as Ouzai, which now is called Ouzville. We decided to start by Ouzville, the pilot project, since it is the landing point of Lebanon – the first one out of many more cities to come.

In order to achieve this, a lot of effort is put into breaking stereotypes and bringing people from different backgrounds together to work hand in hand towards a common objective.

Ouzville also aims to erase all colors, put aside all confessions, all political affiliations and shed all light on Lebanon as a nation.

MAD Session Paris Juin

La MAD Session est l’occasion de rencontrer des artistes hors du commun et l’opportunité de faire émerger de nouveaux talents MAD hybrides sur une scène ouverte. Les bénéfices de cette campagne MAD Session seront intégralement réinvestis dans la promotion des projets de nos artistes MAD.


Moulla has been passionate about magic ever since the age of 7. He had one goal: make it his profession. At 10 years old, he meets a magician and from that moment on he started taking courses, plunged himself into books, working on his tricks relentlessly. Very soon, he began to create shows and performed […]