
Lydie Hacquet, photographe d’émotion


Lydie Hacquet, dont tu peux trouver toutes ses photographies sur https://www.histoiresdl.com/ se présente et t’invite à comprendre sa vision de la photographie et de la transmission d’émotions. Elle présente également ses 2 oeuvres préférées et son projet futur. Peux-tu te présenter en quelques mots s’il te plait ? Moi? Je vis à Paris, ma ville […]

Laura Calu, l’initiatrice du #BikiniFermeTaGueule te parle d’inclusion


Pourriez-vous vous présenter brièvement ? Je suis Laura Calu, humoriste et comédienne, je me suis faite connaître grâce à mes vidéos sur Facebook il y a 6 ans environ et depuis un an je joue mon spectacle sur scène. Qu’est-ce qui vous a motivé pour être membre du Jury Nuit Rose? On me l’a gentiment […]

MAD Suggests: Must watch Lebanese movies


If you’re a movie buff, you’re surely familiar with Arab cinema; afterall, Egypt is known for its long history of cinema especially during the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s which were the years known as the Golden Years. Egypt is not the only Arab country with a long history in cinema, but it is the leader; […]

Still singing Chi Nhar on replay? Meet the musician behind it!

Music Arabic

You’ve met him at our latest artist meet up last week. You fell in love and memorized the lyrics to his debut single, Chi Nhar.  Now, it’s time to meet the man known as Zef! How long have you been in the music scene? It’s been 9 years since I first started playing the guitar […]

MAD Suggests: Songs to listen to on your next roadtrip!


While we have gotten comfortable and cozy in our city-life routine, it’s always nice to escape the hustle and bustle of modern life and go somewhere for some peace and quiet. Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway in the suburbs or you’re just driving around after midnight to clear your mind, we’ve compiled the ultimate […]

Journey of adventure and photography: Fourscape!


Fourscape, a collective of adventure seekers with a multidisciplinary background in photography and sound, will be with us during our MAD Sessions. If you want to know more about who they are, read on. First of all, how did you come up and choose the name Fourscape? Fourscape is a team of four people who […]

Meet the electro-visual duo you’re going to fall for!

For our MAD Sessions in Beirut, we’re introducing you to local talents daynone and Firas Haidar. These MAD talents will stun you all night with an infusion of electronic music and visual representations to along with it. Let’s meet them below! Both of you have full time jobs, so what do you currently do? Daynone: […]

MAD Suggests: What to do in Lebanon this summer?

What time is it? Summertime! It’s everyone’s favorite time in Lebanon, a season filled with beach parties, concerts and live performances, hiking trips and camping but most importantly, carefree fun. Check out our MAD suggestions for some cool things you can do in Lebanon this summer. Dive in Head south to the beautiful area of […]